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Главная » 2011 » Январь » 15 » The Battleships
The Battleships

The Battleships

English | AVI | 640x480 | MP3 56 kbps | 4 x 50 min | DivX | 4 x 380 MB

Before the nuclear bomb, no weapon on earth had evoked so much fear, veneration and passion as the battleship.
The Battleships is an epic four-part programme which unveils the dramatic saga of power, international politics, and one-upmanship that led to the titanic wars of the twentieth century. It is a story involving rulers, warlords and admirals who all became intoxicated by the grandeur, majesty and sheer power of these floating fortresses.
Enriched with eyewitness accounts and contributions from naval experts around the globe, the series explores the rapid evolution of firepower and battleship design from canvas to steam, timber to steel, muzzle-loading cannon to 18-inch guns, and beyond, to rocket launchers and missiles...


1- A Thirst for Blood & Iron
2 - Clash of the Dreadnaughts
3 - The Darkness of the Future
4 - Terror from Above

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 1097 | Добавил: zolder | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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