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Главная » 2011 » Январь » 15 » Speed and Angels
Speed and Angels

Speed and Angels

English | AVI | 448x256 | MP3 134 kbps | 1:35 | DivX | 700 MB

Director Peyton Wilson entered the world of U.S. Navy fighter pilots, and thanks to unprecedented access granted by the Navy, Peyton captured and created the most intimate film ever made on fighter pilots. Epic High Definition aerial footage and stunning cockpit photography provide a dramatic backdrop for the larger story of fighting for your dreams.
Inspired by the passion of two young Navy officers she encountered, Peyton followed Jay and Meagan as they chased their childhood dream of becoming naval aviators flying the F-14 Tomcat. Their two and a half year journey takes them through dogfights in the Nevada desert, night landings on aircraft carriers off the Atlantic coast, and eventually to the biggest challenge young officers face: wartime deployment to Iraq.
What begins as a story of realizing a childhood dream turns into a story of fighting for one's life and career as Jay and Meagan face the realities of war.


Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 1109 | Добавил: zolder | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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