Sun Tzu's the Art of War
Sun Tzu: The Art of War
All warfare is based on deception. Therefore, when capable of attacking, feign incapacity; when active in moving troops, feign inactivity. When near the enemy, make it seem that you are far away; when far away, make it seem that you are near. - Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu was the Nostradamus of warfare and his book Art of War, written 2,400 years ago, is still the ultimate how-to guide for winning at war. This 90 minute special from HISTORYTM weaves together the epic story of Sun Tzu himself, and relives a war in which his tactics posthumously saved a city from defeat a victory at war that paved the way toward the unification of China. Art of War is an emotional, epic and ultimately visual understanding of Sun Tzu s lessons, telling the story of other great battles in history, from Rome to the Civil War, WWII, and present day, that help to illustrate that on the battlefields of war, people who understand strategy are the most dangerous weapons of all.