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Главная » 2010 » Июнь » 11

Первый отряд / First Squad

1942 год. Россия – единственная страна, которой удается противостоять нашествию нацистских захватчиков. Параллельно с боевыми действиями между регулярными армиями разворачивается скрытая война двух секретных оккультных служб, двух специальных военных ведомств – немецкого «Аненербе» и русского 6-го отдела военной разведки. На вооружении этих подразделений не танки и самолеты, а законы магии и волшебства. Древнее заклинание позволяет магам «Аненербе» вызвать из царства мертвых дух великого магистра ордена Меча крестоносца барона фон Вольфа, павшего 700 лет назад в ходе Ледового побоища. Начальник советской разведки, генерал Белов, решает подключить к операции по противодействию барона фон Вольфа одного из своих самых одаренных агентов – четырнадцатилетнюю девочку Надю, которая вызывает из потустороннего мира своих погибших друзей – пионеров-героев, казненных фашистами в самом начале войны...

Категория: Видео (Художественные фильмы) | Просмотров: 926 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Военная машина Второй мировой войны. Германия / The War Machines of WWII. The Nazis
Double language - English / Russian

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 781 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Вермахт / Die Wehrmacht
Language - German

Категория: Видео (Документальные фильмы) | Просмотров: 2432 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

The Royal Air Force At War: The Unseen Films 1943-1944

The Royal Air Force At War: The Unseen Films 1943-1944 collects together previously unavailable wartime RAF training and information films for the first time. The eight films presented here date from 1943 and 1944. Far from being on the defensive - as it had been during the early years of the war - the RAF was now firmly on the offensive, taking the war to the enemy with a vengeance and looking forward to its role in the invasion of Europe that was certain to come. Of particular note in this collection is rare footage of the Stirling, a Bomber Command aircraft all too often overlooked in favour of the Lancaster. A Fighter Has Crashed - Made by Selwyn Films, this information film shows the best way to rescue a pilot from a crashed Spitfire, Typhoon or Beaufighter. Missed Date - A stark but poetic warning to RAF personnel that you never know who may be listening in your local pub. Nought Feet - A training film teaching low flying navigation techniques, packed with low level footage. RAF Regiment - A rare look at the supporting role of the Regiment, with dramatic combat scenes from the North African Campaign and rare RAF Kittyhawk footage. Towards The Offensive - Bostons, Spitfires, Lancasters and USAAF B-17s are all featured in this celebration of the Allies on the attack. We Attack - A stirring celebration of the RAF on the offensive, comparing the war to tactics on a soccer pitch. Front Line Airforce - The RAF Film Production Unit's account of establishing a forward fighter airbase in support of the 8th Army during the Italian Campaign. Night Flight - The re-created raid by Stirling bombers emphasises the role of the Navigator in the success of the mission.

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 649 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

The Royal Air Force at war: the unseen films 1941-1942

THE ROYAL AIR FORCE AT WAR: THE UNSEEN FILMS 1941-1942 collects together previously unavailable wartime RAF training and information films for the first time. The seven films presented here capture the RAF in the middle years of the war. The immediate threat of invasion was over - but victory looked very far away indeed. The RAF was strengthening itself and preparing for a long and bloody hard-fought campaign. The emphasis is very much on bombers and the role of RAF Bomber Command - Britain's only real way of taking the war directly to Nazi Germany in those long years. THE FIRST THING British Films Ltd made this guide to rudimentary drill and rank recognition in the RAF, stressing the importance to keep up standards in the ranks. RE-ARMING A BOMBER A detailed look at how a Wellington bomber is serviced before a raid, with particular emphasis on the armaments. RAF ACTION British Movietone News' stirring celebration of the fine history and traditions of the RAF, with a parade of the RAF aircraft types in service in 1941. AIR SENSE Gee Films Ltd made this guide to avoiding preventable accidents, aimed at elementary flying training schools. FLY AWAY PETER The story of how RAF aircraft are delivered to overseas postings, featuring Wellingtons, Beaufighters, Hudsons, Blenheims and Liberators. IN THE DRINK This MOI film features a dramatic reconstruction of a Halifax bomber ditching in the sea and looks at the safety equipment carried on board. SKY GIANT Movietone's celebration of the powerful new bomber just coming into service with the RAF - the Avro Lancaster.

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 942 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Tanks! Evolution of a Legend 1939 - 1945: Barbarossa

This is the powerful story of how Adolph Hitler was able to harness the potential of the tank to bring the mighty Soviet Union to its knees.

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 633 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

RAF (1935)

Set about four years before the outbreak of WWII. It covers RAF training. Pilots, mechanics etc. All the planes were biplanes. The five man bomber was worth watching the movie for. Shows lots of formation flights. Old flying movies are interesting in that they rave on about their latest (HITEC). I think this is a gee whiz motivational movie for its time.

Worries about the pending second war were there at the time this was made. So the powers that be were trying to encourage men to enlist. Well worth a look if your interested in a genuine historical Documentary of air cadet training

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 645 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Sun Tzu's the Art of War

Sun Tzu: The Art of War
All warfare is based on deception. Therefore, when capable of attacking, feign incapacity; when active in moving troops, feign inactivity. When near the enemy, make it seem that you are far away; when far away, make it seem that you are near. - Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu was the Nostradamus of warfare and his book Art of War, written 2,400 years ago, is still the ultimate how-to guide for winning at war. This 90 minute special from HISTORYTM weaves together the epic story of Sun Tzu himself, and relives a war in which his tactics posthumously saved a city from defeat a victory at war that paved the way toward the unification of China. Art of War is an emotional, epic and ultimately visual understanding of Sun Tzu s lessons, telling the story of other great battles in history, from Rome to the Civil War, WWII, and present day, that help to illustrate that on the battlefields of war, people who understand strategy are the most dangerous weapons of all.

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 624 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

The Dambusters Raids - The True Story

The story of the 'Dambusters' has passed through history into legend, inspiring one of the greatest of all World War II movies.

On May 16th 1943, nineteen Lancaster bombers took off from England's Scampton airfield. They carried 133 men and a top secret bomb load, code-named 'Upkeep'. Few knew of the existence of Royal Air Force 617 Squadron, and only a handful, including Winston Churchill, knew their purpose.

Britain's military planners had been working on a strategy to inflict huge destruction to the might of the Nazi war machine. If they could breach the dams in Germany's Ruhr Valley, the damage that would follow might destroy the factories producing Germany's military machinery and munitions, but how to achieve it?

Upkeep, a 'bouncing bomb' was the inspiration of Professor Barnes Wallis. It had to be dropped at low level, with crucial backspin, and delivered with pin point accuracy to stand any chance of success. Specialist bomber crews were selected for 617 Squadron. These men were also drawn from the allied nations, including Australia and Canada, to form a unique group of men who in one night's flying, would become heroes.

This DVD tells the truly remarkable story of those 'Dambusters', and their controversial raids on Moehne, Eder and Sorpe Dams. The film includes testament from German eyewitnesses, a dutch forced labor survivor, specialists, military historians, and members of the Barnes Wallis family. Unique, previously undiscovered German film of the destruction is seen for the first time. Gripping memories of some of the crewmen who flew the mission, vividly bring to life the triumph and tragedy of that moonlight night in 1943, when only eighty men and eight aircraft returned to the raid.

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 736 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Great Planes - Catalina PBY

The epitome of the flying boat, some thought the Catalina was too old to go to war in the 40's, yet over a hundred are still flying today.

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 606 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Great Planes - Boeing B17 Flying Fortress

Seizing the new found role of the long range bombing like no other plane, the B17 are a cornerstone of WWII History

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 589 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

The History of the Luftwaffe - A Phoenix Rising

From the ashes of the fires lit in the dog-fights of the skies above the carnage of World War I, a phoenix would rise- the Luftwaffe of the Third Reich. No ordinary air force, the Luftwaffe was to become the handmaiden of Hitler's dream of conquest and a vital component of 'blitzkrieg' or 'lightning war'. However the glories won in Poland, Scandinavia, Holland, Belgium and finally France, as the Nazis marched, victorious, through Europe, were to turn sour. The fuehrer's continual demands upon his air force, as he fanatically pursued his 'Grand design' forced the Luftwaffe into the of workhorse, though incompetence, intrigue and greed amongst its commanders made the task near impossible. Starved of new planes and pilots to fly them, stretched across two fronts in Europe and playing a vital role in North Africa, Goering's elite corps was fatally flawed. This tragic story chronicles the initial brilliant success of the Luftwaffe in Europe, its structure and tactics and the inherit weakness that were to drag the phoenix once again to its inescapable consummation within the fires of Berlin. The story told using very rare footage only recently obtained from the eastern block and not seen in the west since the war.

Категория: Video (English language) | Просмотров: 595 | Добавил: zolder | Дата: 11.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

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